Bi poema taigako
Apika gure lera bere abiadaz eginda dago
zure esku luzatua gure burusia da
gauez ikasitako atzerriko hizkuntza bat
zuhaitz artetik
hartzen dugun zidorra.
Kafez bete duzu termoa
gure oinatzak ongi bildu badaezpada
jaurti beharko ote ditugun
lekukotzarik ematen ez duen
elur hamikatuaren aho-barrura.
Biok elkarrekin zurgin mailudunek bezala
distantziari irakatsi diogu
nola eraiki teilatu bat
gure lasterraldiko
zuhaitzak erabiliz.
Gibelean utzitako isiltasunean
jadanik ez dut entzuten udako etxeko
aspaldiko galdera:
eta bihar
nora joango gara?
Ilunabarrean uhaleko txakurrak beldur izaten dira
basoak azkenik izango ez ote duen
eta elurretan gauero
sosegatzen ditugu
gure ustekabeko barrealdiarekin.
mailuz jotako iltze batek izarniatzen du
hilek esaten dituzte hitzak
albisteak presondegitik datoz
txarrenaren jakitun
sasitzak aukeratu gintuen.
basurdeei ikasi genien nola jokatu
izar-antzigarra irakurtzen genuen
sasitza ekarriz
labeak berotu genituen ogia egiteko
txarrenaren jakitun
sasitza aukeratu genuen.
Zu ordokikoa
ni itsasaldekoa
zeruertzak ekarri genituen gogora.
Edo iragarri al genituen
elkarren besoetan
lo geundelarik
zeru abandonatuak bezala?
Two Poems of the Taiga
for Nella
Perhaps our sledge is made of its speed / your outstretched hand our blanket / a foreign language learnt at night / the track we take / between the trees. // You have filled the thermos with coffee / packed our footprints if needed / to throw into the jaws / of the untestifying / ravenous snow. // Together like carpenters with hammers / we have taught the distance / how to build a roof / from the trees / we fly between. // In the silence left behind / I no longer hear the far away / question of the summer house: / and tomorrow / where shall we go? // At dusk the harnessed dogs fear / there’s no end to the forest / and in the snow every night / we calm them / with our surprising laughter.
In the undergrowth / lights a hammered nail / in the undergrowth / words are spoken by the dead / in the undergrowth / the news is of prison / knowing the worst / the undergrowth chose us. // In the undergrowth / from wild boars we learnt tact / in the undergrowth / we read the frost of stars / carrying the undergrowth / we heated ovens for bread / knowing the worst / we chose the undergrowth. // You from the plain / I from the sea / we recalled horizons. / Or did we foresee them / in the undergrowth / where you and I slept / in each other’s arms / like forsaken skies?