16:45 h, fusilamendu-pelotoia
Txakurrak ahoan ekarri zuen eguna
ordu txikietako alorretan barrena
ordura arte seguru izandako
ezkutaleku baterantz.
Inor ez zen esnatu argi-txintaren aurretik.
txakurrak gerizpetan luze
hanken artean egokitu zuen kumea
eta debaldetan itxaron
titia har zezan.
esku-lotuen ilara bat
aurrera da erortzen
berek zulatutako hilobira.
dakar txakurrak eguna
bere ilunera
sekula itzuli gabekoa.
Izarren azpian doluan direnek
aditu uste dute
txakur baten intziria
munduaren hegian.
Egun zorigaiztoko hau
oilagorra baino gorrago eta itsu sortu zen.
16.45h The Firing Squad
The dog carried the day in her mouth / over the fields of the small hours / towards a hiding place / which before had been safe. // Nobody was woken before dawn. // At noon / the dog sprawling in the shade / placed the pup between her four paws / and waited in vain / for it to suck. //A line of prisoners / hands knotted / fall forward / into the grave they have dug. // Belly to the earth / the dog carries the day / which has never stirred / back to its dark. // Under the stars the bereaved / imagine they hear / a dog howling too / on the edge of the world. // This piteous day was born / stone-deaf and blind.