Jurako mendiak
laukizuzen batekin hasten da
mahai batekin demagun
gainean aizkorak
eta glaziarrak
eta zezen zuri baten kaskezurra
elurretan galdua
laukizuzen horren gainean
beste bat paratzen du
sekula ukitu ezin dezakeen urdin kolore batekoa
atzamar bat ipintzen badu urdin horren azalean
bere sorreraren istant bera ukituko du
baita munduaren akabera ere
eguzkiarekin hasten den mundu horrena
bi laukizuzen horien artean
zer para dezake?
hemen hitzek punpa egiten dute elurretan
pistolen metalean bezala
bi laukizuzen horien artean
poema honetan paratzen ditu
bi eskilaso
zeinei aro epelak sinetsarazi baitie
ugaritasunaren sasoia
iritsia dela.
Jura Mountains
begins again with a rectangle / a table say / with knives upon it / and glaciers / and the helmet of a white bull / lost in the snow // above this rectangle / he places another / of a blue he can never touch / if he lays a finger on the skin of this blue / he will touch the moment of his own conception / and of the end of the world / which begins with the sun // between these two rectangles / what can he place? / here words ricochet off the snow / as off gun metal // between these two rectangles / in this poem he places / two jays / mating / led by the mild season / to believe the time of abundancevhas come.