Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Seamus Heaney
itzulpena: Xabi Borda
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Seamus Heaney


Colum cille cecinit



         I. Is scíth mo chrob ón scríbainn


Nire eskua zurminduta dago idaztez.

Nire lumak zorrotza du punta.

Bere txori-mokoak tinta kakalardo distiratsu

Urdin-ilun bat isurtzen du.


Jakinduriaren emaria borborrean

Trazu fineko nire esku beluritik:

Gorosti berdatuaren tintazko

Ubidea pergamuan.


Nire lumatxo bizia badoa tantaka

Liburuetan barrena, kosta ahala kosta,

Jakintsuek idatzitakoak ondu nahian —

Eskua zurmintzen didan idaztez.



         II. Is aire charaim doire


Derry nire kuttuna.

Lasaia da, argia da.

Aingeru zurien sardak itzulinguruka

bazter guztietan.



         III. Fil sùi nglais


Begi gris batek Irlandarantz

Begiratuko du atzera baina

Ez du inoiz ikusiko berriro

Irlandako gizon-emakumerik.


XI/XII mendeak


Colum Cille Cecinit

I. Is scíth mo chrob ón scríbainn

My hand is cramped from penwork. / My quill has a tapered point. / Its bird-mouth issues a blue-dark / Beetle-sparkle of ink. // Wisdom keeps welling in streams / From my fine-drawn sallow hand: / Riverrun on the vellum / Of ink from green-skinned holly. // My small runny pen keeps going / Through books, through thick and thin, / To enrich the scholars' holdings- / Penwork that cramps my hand.

II. Is aire charaim doire

Derry I cherish ever. / It is calm, it is clear. / Crowds of white angels on their rounds / At every corner.

III. Fil súil nglais

Towards Ireland a grey eye / Will look back but not see / Ever again / The men of Ireland or her women.