Non ur bareak
Neagh lakuaren uharkan gainezka egiten zuen
Mundu lauaren ertz batera iritsi balitz bezala
Eta distiratsu jausten zen
Bann ibaiaren etengabeko orainaldian.
Non checkpointa egon ohi zen.
Non laurogeita hemezortzian gazte iraultzailea urkatu zuten.
Non ioi negatiboak aire librean
Niretzat poesia diren. Inoiz lokatza eta aingira gizenduaren zilarra
Izan ziren bezala.
At Toomebridge
Where the flat water / Came pouring over the weir out of Lough Neagh / As if it had reached an edge of the flat earth / And fallen shining to the continuous / Present of the Bann. / Where the checkpoint used to be. / Where the rebel boy was hanged in ’98. / Where negative ions in the open air / Are poetry to me. As once before / The slime and silver of the fattened eel.