Maiatzak 30
Ez honantz begiratu, ene Jaungoikoa, orain ongi gaude.
suizida guztiak babarrun beltz salda jaten ari dira;
dalmaziarra, gure arbi zakurra, gure bizkarroi pinttoa,
lo susta egiten ari da aulkian. Zuhaitzak, neskatila berdeen
taldexka irudi, leiho guztietan kulunkan;
kaio bat, gertuko eta biluzik, badator baxutik.
Erroetatik hondoratzen da etxea, liburuz beteegi;
sukaldean azukre larria pixontzi barruan datza;
hozkailuan arrain urdinak beren amuak goitika;
ezkontzaren bihur-korapiloek irmo diraute, marinelenak nola.
Bart, Roosevelt eta Trumani egotzi zion berak ekonomiaren egoera.
Nik, Ike eta Nixon atera nituen mahukatik.
Biok oker. Biok giza-emazteki.
Arren, Jainko nire, orain ongi gaude.
Utz gaitzazu bakean, mesedez!
Ez bere jantzi gorri lodiekin
eta ho-ho baritono ahotsarekin
heriotza gugana bidali.
May 30th
Don’t look now, God, we’re all right. / All the suicides are eating Black Bean Soup; / the Dalmatian, our turnip, our spotted parasite / snoozles in her chair. The trees, that group / of green girls wiggle at every window; / a sea bird, all nude and intimate, comes in low. // The house sinks in its fill, heavy with books; / in the kitchen the big fat sugar sits in a chamber pot; / in the freezer the Blue Fish vomit up their hooks; / the marriage twists, holds firm, a sailor’s knot. / Last night he blamed the economy on Roosevelt and Truman. / I countered with Ike and Nixon. Both wrong. Both human. // Please God, we’re all right here. Please leave us alone. / Don’t send death in his fat red suit and his ho-ho baritone.