Nire umetokia ospatzeko
Haietako bakoitza txori bat da ene baitan.
Nire hego guztiak astintzen ari naiz.
Moztu eta erauzi egin nahi zintuzten,
baina ez dute egingo.
Guztiz eta erabat hutsik zeundela esan zuten,
baina ez zaude.
Gaixorik eta hilzorian zeundela esan zuten,
baina oker zeuden.
Eskolume batek bezala abesten duzu.
Ez zaude urraturik.
Zama goxoa,
naizen emakumea ospatzeko,
eta naizen emakumearen arima,
eta erdiguneko kreatura eta haren gozamena ospatzeko,
zuretzat kantatzen dut. Bizitzera ausartzen naiz.
Hator, izpiritu. Hator, katilu.
Lotu, estali. Edukia daukan estalki.
Hator zelaietako lurrera.
Ongi etorriak, sustraiak.
Zelula bakoitzak, bere bizia.
Nazio oso bat asetzeko lain dago hemen.
Nahikoa litzateke jende arruntak ondare hau izatea.
Pertsona orok, mankomunitate orok esango luke:
“Ona litzateke aurten ere berriro erein
eta uztari begira jartzea. Izurria iragarri zuten, baina
gaitza gainditua izan da”.
Emakume askok elkarrekin abesten dute:
bata zapata-lantegi batean dago makina biraoz josten,
beste bat akuarioan itsas-zakurra zaintzen,
hura aspertuta Ford autoaren bolantean,
beste hura autopistan bidesaria kobratzen,
hura txahalaren zilborrestea eteten Arizonan,
beste hura alderik alde txeloa birrintzen Errusian,
hura eltzeak su batetik bestera aldatzen Egipton,
hura bere logelako hormak ilargi kolorez margotzen,
hura hilzorian dago, baina gosari bat dauka akorduan,
hura bere tapizaren gainean luze etzanda Tailandian,
hura ipurdia garbitzen ari zaio bere haurrari,
hura treneko leihotik begira
Wyoming erdian, eta beste hura dago
edonon edo nonbait edo leku guztietan, eta denak
kantari ari direla dirudi, nahiz eta batzuek ezin
nota erdi bat ere abestu.
Zama goxoa,
naizen emakumea ospatzeko,
utz iezadazu hiru metroko lepokoa eramaten,
jo dezadan danborra hemeretzi urteko nesken omenez,
utzi niri sakrifiziorako ontziak eskaintzen,
(hori bada nire lana).
Utzi bihotz-mintzak aztertzen,
utzi meteoroen distantziak eta angeluak neurtzen,
utzi loreen zurtoinak miazkatzen,
(hori bada nire lana).
Utzi tribuen eskulturak eskuz lantzen,
(hori bada nire lana).
Gorputzak behar duen kontu honetarako
utzi abesten
afariaren alde,
musuen alde,
bidezkoa den
In Celebration of my Uterus
Everyone in me is a bird. / I am beating all my wings. / They wanted to cut you out / but they will not. / They said you were immeasurably empty / but you are not. // They said you were sick unto dying / but they were wrong. / You are singing like a school girl. / You are not tom. // Sweet weight, / in celebration of the woman I am / and of the soul of the woman I am / and of the central creature and its delight / I sing for you. I dare to live. / Hello, spirit. Hello, cup. / Fasten, cover. Cover that does contain. / Hello to the soil of the fields. / Welcome, roots. // Each cell has a life. / There is enough here to please a nation. / It is enough that the populace own these goods. / Any person, any commonwealth would say of it, / “It is good this year that we may plant again / and think forward to a harvest. / A blight had been forecast and has been cast out.” / Many women are singing together of this: / one is in a shoe factory cursing the machine, / one is at the aquarium tending a seal, / one is dull at the wheel of her Ford, / one is at the toll gate collecting, / one is tying the cord of a calf in Arizona, / one is straddling a cello in Russia, / one is shifting pots on the stove in Egypt, / one is painting her bedroom walls moon color, / one is dying but remembering a breakfast, / one is stretching on her mat in Thailand, / one is wiping the ass of her child, / one is staring out the window of a train / in the middle of Wyoming and one is / anywhere and some are everywhere and all / seem to be singing, although some can not / sing a note. // Sweet weight, / in celebration of the woman I am / let me carry a ten-foot scarf, / let me drum for the nineteen-year-olds, / let me carry bowls for the offering / (if that is my part). / Let me study the cardiovascular tissue, / let me examine the angular distance of meteors, / let me suck on the stems of flowers / (if that is my part). / Let me make certain tribal figures / (if that is my part). / For this thing the body needs / let me sing / for the supper, / for the kissing, / for the correct / yes.