Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Philip Larkin
itzulpena: Juanjo Olasagarre
2023, poesia
64 orrialde
Philip Larkin


Berekoia da gizona


Oi ezin da ukatu ni

Arnold baino neurekoiagoa naizela.

Ezkondu egin zen andregaiak ihes egin ez ziezaion,

orain, gainean du egun osoan,


eta lanari loturik bizitza ahituz lortu dirua

eskupekotzat dauka emazteak,

umeen arropa erosteko eta sekadora,

eta estufa elektrikoa,


eta afaldutakoan,

arratseko egunkaria irakurtzekotan dela,

hara Para ezazu torlojua horman—.

Arnasa hartzeko betarik ere ez du,


kurrikak eskuan etxean buelta eta buelta

eta ezkaratza pintatu beharra galtza zaharrekin

eta amarendako eskutitza

Etorriko zara udan esanez.


Gure bizimoduak alderatzeak

zerri bat bezala sentiarazten nau:

oi ezin da ukatu ni

Arnold baino neurekoiagoa naizela.


Baina, zaude, ez hain azkar:

hainbesterainokoa ote da aldea?

Bere zortzikotan dabil hori

eta ez lagunak laketzearren;


eta oker badago ere

ez du nolanahi bere burua galduko,

bere alde dabil hori.

Geroz, hura eta biok, berdintsu,


bakarrik nik hobeki dakidala

noraino aguanta dezakedan

eroetxetik bila etorri gabean,

edo horretan nago, behintzat.


Self’s the Man

Oh, no one can deny / That Arnold is less selfish than I. / He married a woman to stop her getting away / Now she’s there all day, // And the money he gets for wasting his life on work / She takes as her perk / To pay for the kiddies’ clobber and the drier / And the electric fire, // And when he finishes supper / Planning to have a read at the evening paper / It’s Put a screw in this wall — / He has no time at all, // With the nippers to wheel round the houses / And the hall to paint in his old trousers / And that letter to her mother / Saying Won’t you come for the summer. // To compare his life and mine / Makes me feel a swine: / Oh, no one can deny / That Arnold is less selfish than I. // But wait, not so fast: / Is there such a contrast? / He was out for his own ends / Not just pleasing his friends; // And if it was such a mistake / He still did it for his own sake, / Playing his own game. / So he and I are the same, // Only I’m a better hand / At knowing what I can stand / Without them sending a van — / Or I suppose I can.