Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Nire genesia amestu nuen


Nire genesia amestu nuen izerditan, maskor

Birakaria zeharkatzen, sendo

Taladro-gihar motor bezala, habe

Egindako nerbio eta ikuskarian zehar.


Zizare neurriko gorputz-ataletatik, haragi

Zimurtsutik erauzirik, belarreko

Burdina guztiek karrakaturik; eguzki-metala

Gau gizaki-desegilean.


Amodio-tantari eusten dioten bena gorrien oinorde, kostata

Izaki bat nintzelarik nire hezurretan

Jarauntsitako globoa harrotu nuen; bidaia

Martxa geldoan gau-gizonean zehar.


Nire genesia amestu nuen eta berriz hil, metraila

Abian zen bihotzari oldarka, zulo bat

Jositako zauri eta haize gatzatuan, heriotza isilik

Gasa jan zuen ahoan.


Zorrotz markatu nituen muinoak bigarren heriotzan, landare

Pozoi eta aizto uzta, nire odola

Herdoiltzen hilotz baretuen gainean, bigarren aldiz

Belarretik indar egitera behartuz.


Ahalmena kutsakorra zen jaiotzean, hezurduraren

Bigarren susperraldia eta

Mamu biluziaren bigarren janztea. Gizatasunak

Oka egin zuen birsufritutako minez.


Nire genesia amestu nuen hil-izerditan, birritan

Itsaso elikatzailean jausia, Adanen

Ur gaziak garraztua ezen, gizaki

Berriak dakarren indarraren ikuskari, eguzkiaren bila noan arte.


I dreamed my genesis

I dreamed my genesis in sweat of sleep, breaking / Through the rotating shell, strong / As motor muscle on the drill, driving / Through vision and the girdered nerve. // From limbs that had the measure of the worm, shuffled / Off from the creasing flesh, filed / Through all the irons in the grass, metal / Of suns in the man-melting night. // Heir to the scalding veins that hold love’s drop, costly / A creature in my bones I / Rounded my globe of heritage, journey / In bottom gear through night-geared man. // I dreamed my genesis and died again, shrapnel / Rammed in the marching heart, hole / In the stitched wound and clotted wind, muzzled / Death on the mouth that ate the gas. // Sharp in my second death I marked the hills, harvest / Of hemlock and the blades, rust / My blood upon the tempered dead, forcing / My second struggling from the grass. // And power was contagious in my birth, second / Rise of the skeleton and / Rerobing of the naked ghost. Manhood / Spat up from the resuffered pain. // I dreamed my genesis in sweat of death, fallen / Twice in the feeding sea, grown / Stale of Adam’s brine until, vision / Of new man strength, I seek the sun.