Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Esku-argiek distira egingo balute


Esku-argiek distira egingo balute, aurpegi saindua,

Ezohiko argi-oktagono batean harrapaturik,

Itzaliko zen, eta amodioaren edozein mutilek

Bi aldiz begiratuko luke zoritxarrean jausi baino lehen.

Haien ilun pribatuan aurpegierak

Haragizkoak dira, baina betor egun faltsua,

Eror biezazkio ezpainetatik galdutako pigmentuak,

Momia zapiek erakuts bezate bular zahar bat.


Bihotzarekin arrazoitzeko esan didate,

Baina bihotzak, buruak legez, bere kasa narama;

Pultsuaren arabera arrazoitzeko esan didate,

Azkartzen denean, ekintzen erritmoa aldatzeko

Soroa eta teilatua maila berean jarri arte

Azkar mugi nadin aurre eginez denborari,

Bizarra Egiptoar haizetan dabilkion gizon isil horri.


Urte luzetako esanak entzun ditut,

Eta urte askok aldaketarik behar lukete ikusi.


Parkean jolasten bota nuen pilota

Oraindik ez da lurrera iritsi.


Should lanterns shine

Should lanterns shine, the holy face, / Caught in an octagon of unaccustomed light, / Would wither up, and any boy of love / Look twice before he fell from grace. / The features in their private dark / Are formed of flesh, but let the false day come / And from her lips the faded pigments fall, / The mummy cloths expose an ancient breast. // I have been told to reason by the heart, / But heart, like head, leads helplessly; / I have been told to reason by the pulse, / And, when it quickens, alter the actions’ pace / Till field and roof lie level and the same / So fast I move defying time, the quiet gentleman / Whose beard wags in Egyptian wind. // I have heard many years of telling, / And many years should see some change. // The ball I threw while playing in the park / Has not yet reached the ground.