Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Dylan Thomas
itzulpena: Iker Alvarez
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Dylan Thomas


Gure amets eunukoek




Gure amets eunukoek, hazirik gabe argipean,

Amodioaren argitan bihotz-aldarteak,

Kolpatzen dituzte beren mutilen gorputz-adarrak,

Eta, oin hegalariez xal eta izaren artean,

Emaztegai iluna apaintzen dute; gaueko alargunak

Beren besoetan dira.


Nesken itzalak, hil-oihalen zaporeaz,

Ilundu ahala, gauerdi-polea hilobi-husleek erauziko dituzte

Zizarearengandik; beraien ohe gainetan hautsitako

Gizonen hezurretatik.





Gure garai honetan armadunak eta beren maitaleak

Dimentsio bakarreko mamuak, elkar maite dute fotograma-biragarri batean,

Gure begi zurrunarentzat bitxi,

Eta puztu bitartean gauerdiko ezerezak dituzte mintzagai;

Kamerak itzalita, lasterka joan ohi dira beren zulora

Eguneko patioaren azpian.


Arku lanpara eta gure burezurraren artean dantzan dabiltza,

Beraien tiroak entseatzen dituzte, gauak uxatzen;

Itzalen ikuskizuna dakusagu muxukatzen edo hiltzen,

Zeluloide zaporez maitasunari gezurra ematen.





Zein da mundua? Gure bi loen artean, zein

Iratzarriko da sendagaiek eta haien beharrak

Begi gorrizko lur hau suspertzen dutenean?

Argiaren irudiak eta haien manera jantziak urruti bidali,

Gizon dotore eguzkitsuak, Galestar dirudunak;

Edo gau-atonduak aurrera eraman.


Argazkia begiarekin ezkondu da,

Eta bere emazteari alde bakarreko egi-azala mentatzen dio;

Ametsak xurgatu du lotiaren fedea,

Hil-oihalez jantzitako gizonak heganez mamituko direla.





Hau da mundua: maitasunez eta uzkur

Mugitzen garenean urratzen diren uniformeen

Irudi gezurtia;

Lurperatuak beren zakuetatik ostikoz ateratzen duen ametsa

Beraien zaborra bizia bezala lauda dadin.

Hau da mundua. Izan fedea.


Guztiok egingo dugu oihu oilarren antzera

Aspaldi zendutakoei deika; gure tiroek

Plateretako irudiak erauziko dituzte;

Adiskide egokiak izango gara bizi artean,

Eta dirautenak maita ahala loratuko dira;

Urrutira baitoaz, lauda bitez gure bihotzak.


Our eunuch dreams


Our eunuch dreams, all seedless in the light, / Of light and love, the tempers of the heart, / Whack their boys’ limbs, / And, winding-footed in their shawl and sheet, / Groom the dark brides, the widows of the night / Fold in their arms. // The shades of girls, all flavoured from their shrouds, / When sunlight goes are sundered from the worm, / The bones of men, the broken in their beds, / By midnight pulleys that unhouse the tomb.


In this our age the gunman and his moll, / Two one-dimensional ghosts, love on a reel, / Strange to our solid eye, / And speak their midnight nothings as they swell; / When cameras shut they hurry to their hole / down in the yard of day. // They dance between their arclamps and our skull, / Impose their shots, showing the nights away; / We watch the show of shadows kiss or kill / Flavoured of celluloid give love the lie.


Which is the world? Of our two sleepings, which / Shall fall awake when cures and their itch / Raise up this red-eyed earth? / Pack off the shapes of daylight and their starch, / The sunny gentlemen, the Welshing rich, / Or drive the night-geared forth. // The photograph is married to the eye, / Grafts on its bride one-sided skins of truth; / The dream has sucked the sleeper of his faith / That shrouded men might marrow as they fly.


This is the world: the lying likeness of / Our strips of stuff that tatter as we move / Loving and being loth; / The dream that kicks the buried from their sack / And lets their trash be honoured as the quick. / This is the world. Have faith. // For we shall be a shouter like the cock, / Blowing the old dead back; our shots shall smack / The image from the plates; / And we shall be fit fellows for a life, / And who remains shall flower as they love, / Praise to our faring hearts.