Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Walt Whitman
itzulpena: Josu Goikoetxea
2022, poesia
64 orrialde
Walt Whitman


Beila bitxia egin nuen guda zelaian gau batez


Beila bitxia egin nuen guda zelaian gau batez,

Zu, nire semea eta burkidea, alboan erori zintzaizkidan egunean,

Begiratu bat baino ez; zure begi eztiek itzuli zidatena sekula ahaztuko ez dudan era hartan,

Zure eskua nirean, O mutila, lurrean luze zeundela,

Ondoren batailan murgildu nintzen, bataila erabaki gabean,

Gau beranduan ordezkatu ninduten eta toki hartara itzuli nintzen,

Hilotz aurkitu zintudan, burkide maitea, emandako musuen semea (ez duzu berriz lur honetan musu gehiago emango),

Zure aurpegi estali gabea izarren argitan, eszena bitxia, gaueko haize eratsua hozkara zebilen,

Luze egon nintzen beilan toki eta ordu hartan, inguruan guda eremua hedatzen ari zen gutxika,

Beila harrigarria, beila gozoa, han gau isil perfumatuan,

Baina ez zen izan malkorik, hasperen sakonik ere ez, luze, luze begiratu nizun,

Eta lurrean erdi etzan nintzen zure ondoan, kokotsa eskuetan,

Ordu gozoak egin nituen, ordu hilezkor eta mistikoak zurekin, nire burkide maiteena (malkorik ez, hitzik ez),

Beila isila, maitasun eta heriozkoa, zure alde egindako beila, nire semea nire gudaria,

Izarrak han goian isilka bidea egiten, ekialdetik izar berriak goratzen,

Azken beila zure alde, mutil ausarta, (ez zintudan salbatu, laster hil zinen, bihotz-bihotzez maite izan zintudan, eta bizi artean zaindu, berriz elkartuko gara seguru)

Harik eta, gauaren azken hondarrean, argia urratzen hasi bezain pronto,

Burkidea bere mantarekin meztitu nuen arte, txukun bilduz,

Manta ongi azpilduz, kontuz eginez buru gaineko tolesak eta kontuz eginez oin azpietakoak,

Eta toki eta ordu hartan eta gora zetorren eguzkiaren argitan, nire semea utzi nuen bere hilobian, baldarki egindako zulo hartan,

Horrela amaituz nire beila bitxia, guda zelai hits beteko gaubeila hura,

Musuak ematen zituen mutilaren aldeko beila (ez du berriz lur honetan musu gehiago emango),

Zalu hildako burkidearen aldeko beila, sekula ahaztuko ez dudan beila, nola eguna argiagotzen zela,

Lur ezkotik jaiki nintzen eta txukun ezarri manta barruan nire soldadua,

Eta erori zen tokian eman nion lur.


Vigil Strange I kept on the Field One Night

Vigil strange I kept on the field one night; / When you my son and my comrade dropt at my side that day, / One look I but gave which your dear eyes return’d with a look I shall never forget, / One touch of your hand to mine O boy, reach’d up as you lay on the ground, / Then onward I sped in the battle, the even-contested battle, / Till late in the night reliev’d to the place at last again I made my way, / Found you in death so cold dear comrade, found your body son of responding kisses, (never again on earth responding,) / Bared your face in the starlight, curious the scene, cool blew the moderate night-wind, / Long there and then in vigil I stood, dimly around me the battlefield spreading, / Vigil wondrous and vigil sweet there in the fragrant silent night, / But not a tear fell, not even a long-drawn sigh, long, long I gazed, / Then on the earth partially reclining sat by your side leaning my chin in my hands, / Passing sweet hours, immortal and mystic hours with you dearest comrade—not a tear, not a word, / Vigil of silence, love and death, vigil for you my son and my soldier, / As onward silently stars aloft, eastward new ones upward stole, / Vigil final for you brave boy, (I could not save you, swift was your death, / I faithfully loved you and cared for you living, I think we shall surely meet again,) / Till at latest lingering of the night, indeed just as the dawn appear’d, / My comrade I wrapt in his blanket, envelop’d well his form, / Folded the blanket well, tucking it carefully over head and carefully under feet, / And there and then and bathed by the rising sun, my son in his grave, in his rude-dug grave I deposited, / Ending my vigil strange with that, vigil of night and battle-field dim, / Vigil for boy of responding kisses, (never again on earth responding,) / Vigil for comrade swiftly slain, vigil I never forget, how as day brighten’d, / I rose from the chill ground and folded my soldier well in his blanket, / And buried him where he fell.