Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Seamus Heaney
itzulpena: Xabi Borda
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Seamus Heaney


Wood Road


Zoru berritua, sekula zabaldu gabea,

Laharrak hartuak bazterrak, Bill Pickering

Pistola eskuan lurrean etzanda zenean bezala,

Gaueko errondan, uniformearekin

Udako zuhaixken ilara azpian kukuturik —


Miliziano berezia.


Ilargiaren argia fusilen kanoietan,

Bidea ixten duen

Kamioiaren haizetakoan,

Pelotoi sutsuko enparauak

Alboz, zaintzaile leial,


Mulhollandstown jazarriz.


Edo ni egun argitan

Taxuz paratutako zohikatz

Zamaren gainean

Begiramenez, begiak beheratuz,

Heldu baten pare uhalak haizu eskuetan,


Gurdi zaharra zanbuluka.


Abuztuko egun hartan gose grebalariaren

Beilatokiraino joan nintzen,

Atari isil bat zeharkatuz,

Begira zegoen jendetzaren aurretik igaroz

Gorpua gaubeilan zeukaten lekuraino


Eta ohorezko guardiaren so tinkoa.


Edo bidearen amaieran orbana

Bizikletako neskatila harrapatu zuen

Auskalo nondik azkar batean merkatari batek

Bidegurutzean zakar bira eginez,

Atzeko gurpila jiraka eguzkipean,


Aurreko argia mila txiki eginda.


Filma ezazu sepia kolorez,

Margo ezazu tantaka odolez,

Wood Road egun dena eta izan zena,

Zoru berritua, sekula zabaldu gabea,

Esne-marmitaren azpia eta


Busa gelditzeko seinalea belarrak janda.


The Wood Road

Resurfaced, never widened. / The verges grassy as when / Bill Pickering lay with his gun / Under the summer hedge / Nightwatching, in uniform – // Special militiaman. // Moonlight on rifle barrels, / On the windscreen of a van / Roadblocking the road, / The rest of his patrol / Sentry-still, in profile, // Guarding Mulhollandstown. // Or me in broad daylight / On top of a cartload / Of turf hand-built and squat / As a drystone beehive hut, / Looked up to, looking down, // Allowed the reins like an adult – // In the picture at last, / The one on the whitewashed wall / Of a horse and cart and turfman / Embroidered on calico / In what they called ‘the long ago’, // Framed in passe-par-tout. // Or that August day I walked it / To the hunger striker’s wake, / Across a silent yard, / In past a watching crowd / To where the guarded corpse // And a guard of honour stared. // Film it in sepia, / Drip-paint it in blood, / This was/is the Wood Road. / Resurfaced, never widened, / The milk-can deck and the sign // For the bus-stop overgrown.