Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Walt Whitman
itzulpena: Josu Goikoetxea
2022, poesia
64 orrialde
Walt Whitman


Entzun nuenean egunaren akaberan


Entzun nuenean egunaren akaberan nola hartu zuten kapitolioan nire izena txaloka, ez zen halere zorioneko gaua izan hura niretzat,

Eta parrandara aterata ere, edo nire planak bete zirelarik, oraindik ez nintzen zoriontsu,

Baina egunsentiarekin batera ohetik sasoi betean jaiki nintzen egunean, berrituta, kantari, udazkenaren hats umoa arnastuz,

Ikusi nuenean ilargi betea zurbiltzen eta goizeko argitan desagertzen,

Hondartzan ni bakarrik ibili nintzenean zeharka-meharka, eta biluzik bainua hartu, ur hotzetan barrez, eta eguzkia goratzen ikusi,

Eta pentsatu nuenean nire lagun mina, nire maitea, bazetorrela bidean nigana, O orduan bai zoriontsu,

O orduan arnasaldi bakoitza gozoagoa zen, eta egun hartan hobeto elikatu ninduten jakiek, eta egun ederra bikain igaro zen,

Eta biharamunak poz bera ekarri zuen, eta hurrengoaren arratsean nire laguna iritsi zen,

Eta gau hartan dena zegoenean bare, entzun nituen kostaldeko urak mantso joz eta joz,

Entzun nuen likidoaren eta harearen karraska txistukaria, xuxurlaka zoriontzera baletorkit bezala,

Gehien maite dudan hura lo zegoelako nire ondoan tapaki beraren azpian gau hotzean,

Udazken jabaleko ilargiaren argipean haren aurpegia nigana emanda,

Eta haren beso arina nire bularrean… eta gau hartan izan nintzen zoriontsu.


When I Heard at the Close of the Day

When I heard at the close of the day how my name had been receiv’d with plaudits in the capitol, still it was not a happy night for me that follow’d, / And else when I carous’d, or when my plans were accomplish’d, still I was not happy, / But the day when I rose at dawn from the bed of perfect health, refresh’d, singing, inhaling the ripe breath of autumn, / When I saw the full moon in the west grow pale and disappear in the morning light, / When I wander’d alone over the beach, and undressing bathed, laughing with the cool waters, and saw the sun rise, / And when I thought how my dear friend my lover was on his way coming, O then I was happy, / O then each breath tasted sweeter, and all that day my food nourish’d me more, and the beautiful day pass’d well, / And the next came with equal joy, and with the next at evening came my friend, / And that night while all was still I heard the waters roll slowly continually up the shores, / I heard the hissing rustle of the liquid and sands as directed to me whispering to congratulate me, / For the one I love most lay sleeping by me under the same cover in the cool night, / In the stillness in the autumn moonbeams his face was inclined toward me, / And his arm lay lightly around my breast—and that night I was happy.