Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay


Uhalaz loturiko pentsamenduaz


Zapelatza eskumuturrera

datorkit bueltan

ez aire gorenetik.

Bidali nuen lanbro gainean

sutan den eguzki aldera;

baina ez da izan handik.


Erpeak ez ditu hotz; mokoan

miraririk ez dakar;

haren buruari txano sunda dario, eta lumetan

neurea du, trumoiak jartzen bainau dar-dar.


Hegazti beheititua, itzultzen dizkinat begiak betiko, nora ere haizen jaurtia, haraxe goratu arin;

eskumutur honi egin uko, errima honi egin uko;

hegaldatu, jan eterra, ikusi egundo ikusi ez dena; abiatu, gal hadi,

baina igo.


On Thought in Harness

My falcon to my wrist / Returns / From no high air. / I sent her toward the sun that burns / Above the mist; / But she has not been there. // Her talons are not cold; her beak / Is closed upon no wonder; / Her head stinks of its hood, her feathers reek / Of me, that quake at the thunder. // Degraded bird, I give you back your eyes forever, ascend now whither you are tossed; / Forsake this wrist, forsake this rhyme; / Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, / But climb.