Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay


Sekula ez da adarretik hartu behar fruta


Sekula, sekula ez da adarretik hartu behar fruta

Eta upeletan batu.

Amodiorik jan nahi duenak zintzilik dagoen lekuan jan beza.

Adarrak ihiak legez okertu arren,

Fruitu umotuak belartzan lehertu edo arbolan zimurtu arren,

Amodiorik jan nahi duenak eroan dezake berekin

Sabelean eutsi ahal duena, ez besterik,

Ezer ez mantalean,

Ezer ez sakeletan.

Sekula, sekula ez da adarretik batu behar fruta

Eta upeletan gorde.

Amodioaren negua upa hutsez beteriko soto bat da

Ustelak bigundutako baratze batean.


Never May the Fruit Be Plucked

Never, never may the fruit be plucked from the bough / And gathered into barrels. / He that would eat of love must eat it where it hangs. / Though the branches bend like reeds, / Though the ripe fruit splash in the grass or wrinkle on the tree, / He that would eat of love may bear away with him / Only what his belly can hold, / Nothing in the apron, / Nothing in the pockets. / Never, never may the fruit be gathered from the bough / And harvested in barrels. / The winter of love is a cellar of empty bins, / In an orchard soft with rot.