Halabehar hutsez jakingo banu egun batez
Joana zarela betiko lur honetatik
—Egunkariko azken orrian, adibidez,
Leituta, metroan inorenari so eginik—,
Nola halako eta holako bidegurutzean
(periodikoetan ohi dira halako pila)
Gizon presatu bat, eta hara non zeu izan,
Eguerdi aldean suertatu den hila...
Aiei ozenik ez nuke egingo —ezin aiei
Ozenik egin edo eskurik bihurtu hor—,
So egingo nieke geltokiko argiei
Interes biziagoz, nola doazen bizkor,
Edo are arreta handiagoaz leitu
Larruak non gorde, eta ilea nola zaindu.
If I should learn, in some quite casual way, / That you were gone, not to return again— / Read from the back-page of a paper, say, / Held by a neighbour in a subway train, / How at the corner of this avenue / And such a street (so are the papers filled) / A hurrying man—who happened to be you— / At noon to-day had happened to be killed, / I should not cry aloud—I could not cry / Aloud, or wring my hands in such a place— / I should but watch the station lights rush by / With a more careful interest on my face, / Or raise my eyes and read with greater care / Where to store furs and how to treat the hair.