Gizon ez ezinezkoari
Zelan jakin, joan ezik,
Kairo eta Kataira
Toki goren hau ote den
Gorena guztira?
Ausaz sudurpeko hauxe
Dut lore aproposa;
Zer dakit nik, usaindu barik
Kartagoko arrosa?
Maitasun zintzo honen ehuna
Ez daiteke ez histu ez listu
Hemen naizeino, …baina, ai, laztana,
Ahal banu inoiz bidaiatu!
To the Not Impossible Him
How shall I know, unless I go / To Cairo and Cathay, / Whether or not this blessed spot / Is blest in every way? // Now it may be, the flower for me / Is this beneath my nose; / How shall I tell, unless I smell / The Carthaginian rose? // The fabric of my faithful love / No power shall dim or ravel / Whilst I stay here,—but oh, my dear, / If I should ever travel!