Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay




Gizon oro bakarrik dago orain.

Hau da adiskiderik gabeko orena.

Dindilizka daude Fedea eta Oroimena

Hego zabaletatik troka hotzaren gainean.

Adiskidetasun orok du azkena.



Maitasun eztiaren tema hutsaz

Gau osoan esna egona,

Lo dago argi grisaz.


Maitaleak, ametsik egitekotan,

Ez du egiten bere alboan esku ilaun irekia lo daukan andreaz;

Joana da beste andregai batengana.

Eta atzean utzi duena

Ez dabil zizpuruz “zakarra… zakarra...” esaten lotan;

Irasagar beilegien ortu batean dabil;

Irribarrez, irasagar beilegiak batzen ditu saski

Sahatsez eta ereinotzez eginikoan.


Itzul banendi zure atera,

Fresko eta zarbail goizeko airetik,

Ilun legoke eskailera,

Eta usain lodi hil bat legoke, mingarriki goibela,

Aurretik ez zegoena.

Isiltasuna legoke. Pauso astunek zeharkatuko lukete behegaina.

Eta utziko zenidake sartzen, loguraz zimurtuz bekokia

Ile nahasiaren azpitik.


Ederrak orain loak itxi bariko belarrian

Ahots aberats eta nabarrak egun itzarri berrian!...

Txistu ahaltsu, doluzkoak, ezin konta ahala,

Atoiontzi eta ferryenak, nahasiz, katramilatuz, ahituz,

Intzirien banan-banako notetan mehetuz,

Badia lanbrotsuan sortuz musika itzela.


Orain, oihartzunez betetako kalean zehar, haziz doan argiaz,

Eguzkiak onesten dituen enkarguetara jarriaz,

Zalapartaka dabiltza lotsa barik gurpil eta apatx astunak

Etxe isilen aurrean; diote kementsu:

“Ez ni lerroka gaueko ekimenen artean.

Egunaren hastapena nauzu”.



All men are lonely now. / This is the hour when no man has a friend. / Memory and Faith suspend / From their spread wings above a cool abyss. / All friendships end. // He that lay awake / All night / For sweet love’s unregenerate sake, / Sleeps in the grey light. // The lover, if he dream at all, / Dreams not of her whose languid hand sleeps open at his side; / He is gone to another bride. / And she he leaves behind / Sighs not in sleep “Unkind ... unkind ...”; / She walks in a garden of yellow quinces; / Smiling, she gathers yellow quinces in a basket / Of willow and laurel combined. // Should I return to your door, / Fresh and haggard out of the morning air, / There would be darkness on the stair, / And a dead close odor painfully sad, / That was not there before. / There would be silence. There would be heavy steps across the floor. / And you would let me in, frowning with sleep / Under your rumpled hair. // Beautiful now upon the ear unshut by slumber / The rich and varied voices of the waking day!— / The mighty, mournful whistles without number / Of tugs and ferries, mingling, confounding, failing, / Thinning to separate notes of wailing, / Making stupendous music on the misty bay. // Now through the echoing street in the growing light, / Intent on errands that the sun approves, / Clatter unashamed the heavy wheels and hooves / Before the silent houses; briskly they say: / “Marshal not me among the enterprises of the night / I am the beginning of the day.”