Urte haietan
Urte haietan, jendeak esango duenez, ahaztu zitzaigun
gu-ren esanahia, zuek-ena
ikusi genuen geure burua
ni-ra murriztua
eta dena bihurtu zen
zozo, ironiko, terrible:
bizimodu pertsonal baten bila genbiltzan
eta ez, ezin genuen jasan
bizimodu harexen lekuko izatea besterik
Baina historiaren txoritzar ilunak karrankaz murgildu ziren
gure eguraldi pertsonalean
Beste norabait zihoazen baina haien moko-hegalak
itsasertzetik etorri ziren, behe-lainotan barna
gu geunden lekuraino, esanez ni
In Those years
In those years, people will say, we lost track / of the meaning of we, of you / we found ourselves / reduced to I / and the whole thing became / silly, ironic, terrible: / we were trying to live a personal life / and yes, that was the only life / we could bear witness to // But the great dark birds of history screamed and plunged / into our personal weather / They were headed somewhere else but their beaks and pinions drove / along the shore, through the rags of fog / where we stood, saying I