Barruko zuhaitzak kanpora doaz, basora
hainbeste egun hutsik egon den baso horretara
non ezin zen txoririk pausatu
ez intsekturik gorde
ez eguzkiak ere oinak itzaletan sartu;
baso hori, hainbeste gau hutsik egona,
zuhaitzez beteta egongo da goizerako.
Gau guztian sustraiak lanean
portxeko zoruko
arrakaletatik askatu nahian.
Hostoak tenk kristalerantz
adaxkak zurrun eginahalaren eginahalaz
adar luze bihurrituak teilatupean nahaspila
senda-agiria jaso berri duten pazienteak bezala
erdi nahastuta
klinikako aterantz.
Barruan eserita nago, portxeko ateak zabalik
gutun luzeak idazten
baina doi-doi idatzi dut nola basoa
badoan etxetik.
Gaua fresko, ilargi betea dir-dir
zeru oraindik garbian
hosto- eta liken-usaina
aditzen da oraindik geletatik ahots baten gisan.
Xuxurlaz beterik daukat burua
baina isilduko dira biharko.
Entzun. Puskatzen ari da kristala.
Badoaz zuhaitzak estropezuka
gauerantz. Haiekin batera, haizea ziztuan.
Puskatu da ilargia ispilu bat bezala,
eta haren zatiek distira orain haritzik
garaienaren gailurrean.
The Trees
The trees inside are moving out into the forest, / the forest that was empty all these days / where no bird could sit / no insect hide / no sun bury its feet in shadow / the forest that was empty all these nights / will be full of trees by morning. // All night the roots work / to disengage themselves from the cracks / in the veranda floor. / The leaves strain toward the glass / small twigs stiff with exertion / long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof / like newly discharged patients / half-dazed, moving / to the clinic doors. // I sit inside, doors open to the veranda / writing long letters / in which I scarcely mention the departure / of the forest from the house. / The night is fresh, the whole moon shines / in a sky still open / the smell of leaves and lichen / still reaches like a voice into the rooms. / My head is full of whispers / which tomorrow will be silent. // Listen. The glass is breaking. / The trees are stumbling forward / into the night. Winds rush to meet them. / The moon is broken like a mirror, / its pieces flash now in the crown / of the tallest oak.