Hala idatzia gera dadin
Gerra hau ez zuten egin lainoek eta izarrek
errekek ez zuten eman informaziorik
mendiek suzko harriak jaurti bazituzten ibaira
ez zituzten jaurti inoren alde
euri-tanta hark, hostopean leun kulunka,
ez zeukan iritzi politikorik
eta egon bazen ere inon etxerik
hondakin-ura pilatzen zuena
edo bere biztanleak pozoitzen zituena
ke motelez, urterik urte
etxeak ez zeuden gerran
eta etxola latorrizkoek ere
ez zieten babesik ukatu nahi
andre zahar etxegabeei eta ume herrariei
ez zeukaten politikarik inor herrabidetik
edo heriotzatik babesteko, ez, arazoa ez ziren hiriak
zubiak ez ziren inoren aldeko
autobideak sutan zeuden, baina ez gorrotoz
Hainbat milia txarrantxa ere
hedatzen ziren behin-behineko txabola uzkurren inguruan
jendaila distantzia seguru batean
edukitzeko, begi-bistatik kanpo
oholek ere, urterik urte
xurgatu beharrez hainbeste giza soinu
hainbeste gonbito, hainbeste malko
odola motel bustiz,
ez zuten beren burua eskaini honetarako
Zuhaitzak ez ziren boluntario aurkeztu ohol bihurtzeko
ezta arantzak ere, larrua urratzeko
Begira horri guztiari
eta galdetu noren sinadura
dagoen zigilaturik agindu horietan, zirrimarraturik
eraikuntza-planen izkina batean
Galdetu non zeuden emakume analfabeto
tripaundiak, non zeuden mozkorrak eta eroak,
beldur handiena diezun horiek: galdetu non zeunden zu
For the Record
The clouds and the stars didn't wage this war / the brooks gave no information / if the mountains spewed stones of fire into the river / it was not taking sides / the raindrop faintly swaying under the leaf / had no political opinions // and if there were a house / filled with backed-up raw sewage / or poisoned those who lived there / with slow fumes, over years / the houses were not at war / nor did the tinned up buildings // intend to refuse shelter / to homeless old women and roaming children / they had no policy to keep from roaming / or dying, no, cities were not the problem / the bridges were non-partisan / the freeways burned, but not with hatred // Even miles of barbed-wire / stretched around crouching temporary huts / designed to keep the unwanted / at a safe distance, out of sight / even the boards, that had to absorb / year upon year, so many human sounds // so many depths of vomit, tears / slow-soaking blood / had not offered themselves for this / The trees didn't volunteer to be cut into boards / nor the thorns for tearing flesh / Look around at all of it // and ask whose signature / is stamped on the orders, traced / in the corner of the building plans / Ask where the illiterate, big-bellied / women were, the drunks and the crazies, / the ones you fear most of all: ask where you were