Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Adrienne Rich
itzulpena: Maialen Berasategi
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Adrienne Rich


Agur bat doluaren debeku


Nire nahi nahasiak. Zure ezpain izoztuak.

Gramatikak, bira egin, eta eraso niri.

Gaiak, bortxaz idatzaraziak.

Oharren hustasuna.


Eman zidaten botika bat eta motelago sendatu zaizkit zauriak.


Nik alde egin aurretik, ikus ezazu:

errepikaren esperientzia heriotza gisa

kritikotasunak mina aurkitzeko duen ezina

autobuseko poster hura, zera zioena:

kontrolpean dut nire odol-jarioa.


Landare gorri bat plastikozko lore-koroazko hilerri batean.


Azken saialdia: metafora deritzon dialekto bat da hizkuntza.

Badoaz hits irudi hauek: ile, glaziar, linterna.

Paisaia bat dudanean buruan, denbora bat dut buruan.

Bidaian noala diodanean, betiko noala diot.

Esan nezake: mendi horiek esanahi bat dute

baina besterik ezin nezake esan.


Ohi-ohiko gauza bat egitea, neure moduan.


A Valediction Forbidding Mourning

My swirling wants. Your frozen lips. / The grammar turned and attacked me. / Themes, written under duress. / Emptiness of the notations. // They gave me a drug that slowed the healing of wounds. // I want you to see this before I leave: / the experience of repetition as death / the failure of criticism to locate the pain / the poster in the bus that said: / my bleeding is under control. // A red plant in a cemetery of plastic wreaths. // A last attempt: the language is a dialect called metaphor. / These images go unglossed: hair, glacier, flashlight. / when I think of a landscape I am thinking of a time. / When I talk of taking a trip I mean forever. / I could say: those mountains have a meaning / but further than that I could not say. // To do something very common, in my own way.