Nire ahoa zure bularretan barna
Nire ahoa zure bularretan barna
neguko arratsalde labur grisean
delikatuak gara ohe honetan
eta ukitzen dugu elkar hain poz beroz, liluratzeraino
gogor eta delikatu, biribilean jarduten dugu
elkarren inguruan eguneko kandela erretzen zaigu
bere argi bereziarekin eta elurra
hasten badu kanpoan adarrak estali arte
eta etortzen bada gaua abisatu gabe
hor daude neguaren plazerak
bat-bateko, basa eta delikatu zure hatzak
zehatz nire mihia zehatz une berean
txantxa bati barrezka geldituz
nire amodioa zure urrinean bero, neguaren gailurrean
My Mouth Hovers Across Your Breasts
My mouth hovers across your breasts / in the short grey winter afternoon / in this bed we are delicate / and touch so hot with joy we amaze ourselves / tough and delicate we play rings / around each other our daytime candle burns / with its peculiar light and if the snow / begins to fall outside filling the branches / and if the night falls without announcement / there are the pleasures of winter / sudden, wild and delicate your fingers / exact my tongue exact at the same moment / stopping to laugh at a joke / my love hot on your scent on the cusp of winter