Lehenago bezala behera begira nabil kalearen
erdialdera, ibaira
etorbideen ibaietan barna ibilian
leizeen dardara sentituz asfaltoaren azpian
dorreetako argiak pizten ikusiz
lehenago bezala ibilian
gizon baten gisan, emakume baten gisan, hirian
nire amorru bisionarioak ikuspegia garbitzen didala
eta errukiaren pertzepzio xeheak
amorru horretatik loratuz doazela
argi lanbrotsu bizi horretatik at sartzen banaiz gela batean
eta hizkuntza hil batean aditzen baditut
galdetzen badidate nor naizen
ezingo dut besterik esan:
androginoa naiz ni
zuen hizkuntza hilean
ezin deskribatu duzuen gogamen bizia
izen galdua, bizirik irten den aditza
infinitiboan soil-soilik
nire izenaren letrak ume jaioberriaren
betazalen azpian idatzita daude
The Stranger
Looking as I’ve looked before, straight down the heart / of the street to the river / walking the rivers of the avenues / feeling the shudder of the caves beneath the asphalt / watching the lights turn on in the towers / walking as I’ve walked before / like a man, like a woman, in the city / my visionary anger cleansing my sight / and the detailed perceptions of mercy / flowering from that anger // if I come into a room out of the sharp misty light / and hear them talking a dead language / if they ask me my identity / what can I say but / I am the androgyne / I am the living mind you fail to describe / in your dead language / the lost noun, the verb surviving / only in the infinitive / the letters of my name are written under the lids / of the newborn child