Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Christopher Okigbo
itzulpena: Karmen Irizar Segurola
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Christopher Okigbo


Eresia danbor arrailduari


doluminak… doluminez zamatu gure ezpain hantuen izenean:


geurekin dator mito sortzailea

ondoan ditugu arranberak


doluminak gure mihi erdibituen partetik arraildutako danborren doluminak


mihia bete su

mihia bete harri


doluminak gure ezpain bikiek doluminetan zatitu danborraren izenean:


erbia egin du lehoinabarrak

jauzika hastear da erbia

erbia egin du lehoinabarrak

jauzi egitear da lehoinabarra


doluminak dagoeneko hegan den mende honen zama pean:


eszedentzian dago parlamentua

berme pean daude bertako kideak

salgai dago parlamentua

atezuan daude zain boto-emaileak


doluminak hiletarien betazal odolduak laztantzeko.


pikutara joan da kabinetea

sutan dago egurra

bere burua saldu du kabineteak

giltzapean daude ministroak


doluminak dardarka hurrengo konkistatzailearen tronu aitzinean:


gurekin dator mito sortzailea (Egret etorria eta alde egina zen)

Okigbo dator gurekin orakuluak goiargitzen gaitu

hemen da kalaoa berriro (kalaoak bainua hartu du)

Okigbo dator gurekin txintxarri makilek goiargitzen gaituzte


doluminak eguzki-argiak gure lumetan obratzen duen mirariaz:


zutitu da Jenerala… zutitu da Jenerala… aginduak…

zutitu da Jenerala zutitu da Jenerala zutitu da Jenerala


doluminak gure moko bikiek eta dolumin lumek:


tronutik gertu dago Jenerala

musua burdinazko maskaraz estalita

gailendu da Jenerala

urrun daude morteroak


doluminak eroritako hilobi arteko iratzar-sukarra ematzeko


jausi da elefantea

irabazi dute morteroek

jausi da elefantea

merezi al du patu hori

jausi da elefantea

gogoratu al dezakegu data hori


britainiarren azken postua zartatu dute oihaneko tankeek


oihana txikitu du elefanteak

basoa populatu dute sugeek

urtxintxari esan dio sugeak

iIrentsi egingo zaitut

sugeari esan dio mangostak

birrindu egingo zaitut

mangostari esan dio elefanteak

ito egingo zaitut


bidea moztutako zuhaitzak ostotsak eraitsi

zuku-zuku egin ditu denak, doluminak…



elefantea jo duen ostotsak

luma bat behar luke ostots horrek soinean, doluminak


errepidea egin du errepide-egileak

tronu bilakatu da errepidea

makilaz jo al dezakegu zuhaitza bota duelako, doluminak…



elefantea jo duen ostotsak

ubeldura eragin dezake ostots horrek berak, doluminak:


izenak atzendu behar genituzke

data lurperatu behar genuke

hildakoek lurperatu behar lituzkete hildakoak, doluminak


doluminez hustutako danborrak gure ezpain ubelduen izenean:


burdinazko zuhaitzaren enborrok, doluminak egiten dugu oihu kraskatzen garenean,

itsaso zabaleko maskorrok, doluminak egiten dugu oihu dardara datorkigunean…


Elegy for Slit-Drum

Condolences ... from our swollen lips laden with condolences: // The mythmaker accompanies us / The rattles are here with us // condolences from our split-tongue of the slit drum condolences // one tongue full of fire / one tongue full of stone — // condolences from the twin-lips of our drum parted in condolences:;. // the panther has delivered a hare / the hare is beginning to leap / the panther has delivered a hare / the panther is about to pounce — // condolences already in flight under the burden of this century: // parliament has gone on leave / the members are now on bail / parliament is now on sale / the voters are lying in wait — // condolences to caress the swollen eyelids of bleeding mourners. // the cabinet has gone to hell / the timbers are now on fire / the cabinet that sold itself / ministers are now in gaol — // condolences quivering before the iron throne of a new conqueror: // the mythmaker accompanies us (the Egret had come and gone) // Okigbo accompanies us the oracle enkindles, us / the Hornbill is there again (the Hornbill has had a bath) // Okigbo accompanies us the rattles enlighten us — // condolences with the miracle of sunlight on our feathers: // The General is up ... the General is up ... commandments ... / the General is up the General is up the General is up — // condolences from our twin-beaks and feathers of condolences: // the General is near the throne / an iron mask covers his face / the General has carried the day / the mortars are far away — // condolences to appease the fever of a wake among tumbled tombs // the elephant has fallen / the mortars have won the day / the elephant has fallen / does he deserve his fate / the elephant has fallen / can we remember the date — // Jungle tanks blast Britain’s last stand — // the elephant ravages the jungle / the jungle is peopled with snakes / the snake says to the squirrel / I will swallow you / the mongoose says to the snake / I will mangle you / the elephant says to the mongoose / I will strangle you // thunder fells the trees cut a path / thunder smashes them all — condolences ...

Thunder that has struck the elephant / the same thunder should wear a plume — condolences // a roadmaker makes a road / the road becomes a throne / can we cane him for felling a tree — condolences ...

Thunder that has struck the elephant / the same thunder can make a bruise — condolences: // we should forget the names / we should bury the date / the dead should bury the dead — condolences // from our bruised lips of the drum empty of condolences: // trunk of the iron tree we cry condolences when we break, / shells of the open sea we cry condolences when we shake ...