Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Philip Larkin
itzulpena: Juanjo Olasagarre
2023, poesia
64 orrialde
Philip Larkin


Karta jokalariak


Hor doa txinbilin-txanbalan Jan van Hogspeuw aterantz,

pixa egin du ilunpetan. Kanpoan, euria

lohizko gurdi arrasto sakonetatik behera.

Barnean, Dirk Dogstoerd-ek edalontzia bete eta

kurrikekin txingarra harturik pipa izeki du

ke korrokadaka. Horra Prijck Zaharra zurrungaka ekaitzarekin,

kaskezur bisaia su argitan; zerbeza edaten

eta muskuiluak zabaltzen ari da norbait, solibetako

urdaiazpikoei amodio kantak kroaka.

Hortxe Dirk kartak banatzen. Antzinako zuhaitz umelak

dardarka ari dira izar gabeko jirabiran

argimutildun haitzulo honen gainean; Janek puzker egin, sua kitzikatu

eta bihotz-erregina bota du.

Euria, haizea, sua! Ezkutuko bake basa!


The Card-Players

Jan van Hogspeuw staggers to the door / And pisses at the dark. Outside, the rain / Courses in cart-ruts down the deep mud lane. / Inside, Dirk Dogstoerd pours himself some more, / And holds a cinder to his clay with tongs, / Belching out smoke. Old Prijck snores with the gale, / His skull face firelit; someone behind drinks ale, / And opens mussels, and croaks scraps of songs / Towards the ham-hung rafters about love. / Dirk deals the cards. Wet century-wide trees / Clash in surrounding starlessness above / This lamplit cave, where Jan turns back and farts, / Gobs at the grate, and hits the queen of hearts. // Rain, wind and fire! The secret, bestial peace!