Amets egin dut deitzen nizula telefonoz
esateko: Hartu goxoago zeure burua
baina gaixo zeunden, eta erantzun ez
Hortxe doaz nire maitasunaren hondakinak
zu zeure buruarengandik salbatu nahian
Beti pentsatu izan dut energiaren
soberakinez: nola jaisten den ura ziztuan menditik
aspaldi atertu duenean ere
edo nola joan nahi duzun sutondotik ohera
baina ezin duzun, erretzen ari baita baina ez guztiz
txingar gorriak hortxe piztu eta itzali
zuk nahi zenukeen baino
kartsuago, bitxiago
gauerdia aspaldi pasatu dela.
For the Dead
I dreamed I called you on the telephone / to say: Be kinder to yourself / but you were sick and would not answer // The waste of my love goes on this way / trying to save you from yourself // I have always wondered about the left-over / energy, the way water goes rushing down a hill / long after the rains have stopped // or the fire you want to go to bed from / but cannot leave, burning-down but not burnt-down / the red coals more extreme, more curious / in their flashing and dying / than you wish they were / sitting long after midnight