Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Adrienne Rich
itzulpena: Maialen Berasategi
2017, poesia
64 orrialde
Adrienne Rich


Norbere burua kiskaltzen


Sutara begira dezakegu gaur gauean

ispilu batera bezala, bai,


egur moztua, gasezko muin hori-urdina


pilpira gorriko errauts grisa, bai.

Badakit nire betazalen barruan

eta azalaren azpian


Denborak heltzen digula haize-laster baten gisan

goraka, berotara tiraka

zilborretik, garunetik


Kontatu zenidan jarri zenuela eskua

aspaldi hildako indiar baten arrastoan

eta, une batez, ezagun egin zitzaidan esku hura,


arrasto hura, arroka hura,

eguzki hura amets indartsuak sortzen

Hitz batek egin dezake hori


edo, gaur gauean bezala, nire gogoaren suaren

ispiluak, kiskaltzen, segi balezake bezala

bere burua kiskaltzen, suntsitzen


gauza guztiez elikatzen

harik eta su horretan erre gaberik

ez dagoen arte.


Burning Oneself Out

We can look into the stove tonight / as into a mirror, yes, // the serrated log, the yellow-blue gaseous core // the crimson-flittered grey ash, yes. / I know inside my eyelids / and underneath my skin // Time takes hold of us like a draft / upward, drawing at the heats / in the belly, in the brain // You told me of setting your hand / into the print of a long-dead Indian / and for a moment, I knew that hand, // that print, that rock, / the sun producing powerful dreams / A word can do this // or, as tonight, the mirror of the fire / of my mind, burning as if it could go on / burning itself, burning down // feeding on everything / till there is nothing in life / that has not fed that fire