Tentsioa eta ezereza autoa geratzen den
errepideko puntu horretan, tropek modeloa eta matrikula
aztertzen dituzte eta, batek burua zure leihora
hurbiltzen duenean, ohartzen zara gehiago daudela
atzeko muinoaren gainean, erne zelatari
zuri begira jarri dituzten armei sendo eutsiz,
eta galdeketa hutsa da dena
errifle batek seinalea egin eta laxotasun neurtuan azeleratuz
aurrera jarraitzen duzun arte —
apur bat hustuago, apur bat nekatuago
barne ikaraldietan gertatu ohi den gisara,
azpiratua, bai, eta otzana.
Beraz, idazketaren mugaraino gidatzen duzu
guztia berriro gertatzen den lekura. Armak tripodeetan;
sarjentuak bere on-off irratiarekin zure datuak
errepikatzen ditu, baimenaren zain dagoen bitartean;
frankotiratzaileak zurekin entseguak egiten ditu
eguzkiari iskin eginez, zapelatz baten moduan.
Eta bat-batean pasa egin zara, akusatuta baina libre zaude,
asfaltaturiko bidearen eman beltzera
igaro bazina bezala ur-jauzi baten atzeko aldetik
atzean utziz ibilgailu blindatuak, haizetako distiratsuan
ager-ostenka dabiltzan zuhaitzen itzalen antzeko
soldaduen artetik iraganez.
From The Frontier Of Writing
The tightness and the nilness round that space / when the car stops in the road, the troops inspect / its make and number and, as one bends his face // towards your window, you catch sight of more / on a hill beyond, eyeing with intent / down cradled guns that hold you under cover // and everything is pure interrogation / until a rifle motions and you move / with guarded unconcerned acceleration-- // a little emptier, a little spent / as always by that quiver in the self, / subjugated, yes, and obedient. // So you drive on to the frontier of writing / where it happens again. The guns on tripods; / the sergeant with his on-off mike repeating // data about you, waiting for the squawk / of clearance; the marksman training down / out of the sun upon you like a hawk. // And suddenly you're through, arraigned yet freed, / as if you'd passed from behind a waterfall / on the black current of a tarmac road // past armor-plated vehicles, out between / the posted soldiers flowing and receding / like tree shadows into the polished windscreen.