I am on earth, and I partake of every ritual of life.
I join my group of friends in high spirit,
I closely follow my peoples' grievances,
I try to weather out the raids of love,
I work out and take care of my body and soul,
and see to the worth of my added value in the market...
Yet, I have also entertained the notion of deserting this world.
Being no-one, eating frugally, becoming a teetotaller,
keeping away from parties,
throwing my car to the sea,
walking by the side of the road,
putting no pen to paper,
receiving no letters,
wishing to hear from nobody,
to the seeming life of construction of our own nature and well-being, responding with deconstruction,
vacating the space gained, without warning,
until fear, uncertainty and restlessness sweeps through the whole scope of one's relationships.
Yet, 'til I gather the courage to depart,
I am to be on earth, so, however half-heartedly,
I partake of every single ritual of life.
© Pako Aristi
© itzulpenarena: Jain Alkorta