Poesia kaiera
Poesia kaiera
Edna St. Vincent Millay
itzulpena: Ana Morales
2021, poesia
64 orrialde
Edna St. Vincent Millay




(Akabukoetan balego)


Ez dut batere gura zu joaterik

Lur azpira, Helena bertan baitago

Honezkero esna duzu, badakit nik.

Kleopatraren oinetako uztaiekin

Nire baimenaz ez zara herdoilduko;

Saforen hautsak dabiltza ipurtarin;

Kresidak maite lezake berriz; Dido,

Hil kaperan ustel, oraindik da urduri.

Zuk ni uztea zait guztiz gogaikarri.


To S. M.

(If he should lie a-dying)

 / I am not willing you should go / Into the earth, where Helen went; / She is awake by now, I know. / Where Cleopatra's anklets rust / You will not lie with my consent; / And Sappho is a roving dust; / Cressid could love again; Dido, / Rotted in state, is restless still: / You leave me much against my will.