CIXgarren Sonetua
Gabriel Aresti
Etzazu erran bihotz-falsu naizela,
gabeak garra zein den agertu arren.
Bularrean duzun gogotik bezela
burutik eztuket alderik eginen.
Maite-etxe dut: urrun banaiz ioan,
ibilten denaz, berriro naiz itzulten;
beta bearrez, ez beta trukatuan,
hitsa garbitzekotz ura dut ekarten.
Neoiz ez uste, nitan regnatu arren,
odol-motak oro dituzten makalak,
ain ezkergez zaitukeela satsutzen,
ezertzat utz eztitzazun on-aalak.
Uniuersu zabal au ezertzat eztut,
zu landaz nire larrosa: artan zaitut. |
1954ko azila-gabonila
11-12 zkia.
164. orr.
Sonnet CIX
O! Never say that I was false of heart / Though absence seem'd my flame to qualify. / As easy might I from myself depart / As from my soul, which in thy breast doth lie: / That is my home of love: if I have rang'd, / Like him that travels, I return again; / Just to the time, not with the time exchang'd, / So that myself bring water for my stain. / Never believe, though in my nature reign'd, / All frailties that besiege all kinds of blood, / That it could so preposterously be stain'd, / To leave for nothing all thy sum of good; / For nothing this wide universe I call, / Save thou, my rose; in it thou art my all. |
© William Shakespeare
© itzulpenarena: Gabriel Aresti